Seznam pracovníků

Ing. Josef Buršík, CSc.

Profesní zařazení:
Telefon: 311236917
Pracoviště: Oddělení materiálové chemie
Budova: /
Seznam publikací: asep/uach-t/0102649


 číslo  Název  Období
24-12710S Vztah mezi reálnou strukturou hexaferitových tenkých vrstev a jejich magnetoelektrickým efektem 2024-2026 
19-06433S Spinový Seebeckův jev v magnetických nanokompositech na bázi obalených částic 2019-2021 


Bovtun, Viktor - Kempa, Martin - Repček, Dalibor - Savinov, Maxim - Buršík, Josef - Heczko, Oleg - Drahokoupil, Jan - Kamba, Stanislav; Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials; 2024, 589 (JAN), 171533
Kempa, Martin - Bovtun, Viktor - Repček, Dalibor - Buršík, Josef - Kadlec, Christelle - Kamba, Stanislav; Journal of Applied Physics; 2024, 136 (7), 073904
Soroka, Miroslav - Buršík, Josef - Kužel, R. - Horák, L. - Prokleška, J. - Vronka, M. - Laguta, V.; Journal of the European Ceramic Society; 2023, 43 (15), 6916-6924
SHIN, K. W., SOROKA, Miroslav, SHAHEE, A., KIM, K. H., BURŠÍK, Josef, KUŽEL, R., VRONKA, M., AGUIRRE, M.H. Observation of Anomalously Large Magnetoelectric Coupling in the Hexagonal Z-Type Ferrite Films. Advanced Electronic Materials. 2022, 8(6), 2101294
VÍT, Jakub, REPČEK, Dalibor, KADLEC, Christelle, KADLEC, Filip, ADHLAKHA, N., DI PIETRO, P., PICCIRILLI, F., KOVALEV, S., DEINERT, J.-C., ILYAKOV, I., AWARI, N., CHEN, M., BURŠÍK, Josef, PARK, C.B., KIM, K. H., GENSCH, M., PERUCCHI, A., KAMBA, Stanislav. Search for nonlinear THz absorption by electromagnons in multiferroic hexaferrites. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2022, 91(10), 104703
SOROKA, Miroslav, PASHCHENKO, M., PROKLEŠKA, J., BURŠÍK, Josef, KNÍŽEK, K. Spin Seebeck effect in W-type and Z-type hexagonal ferrite thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2022, 132(24), 245101
SOROKA, Miroslav, KNÍŽEK, K., JIRÁK, Z., LEVINSKÝ, P., JAROŠOVÁ, M., BURŠÍK, Josef, HEJTMÁNEK, J. Anomalous Nernst effect in the ceramic and thin film samples of La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 perovskite. Physical Review Materials. 2021, 5(3), 035401
SOROKA, Miroslav, BURŠÍK, Josef, KUŽEL, R., PROKLEŠKA, J., AGUIRRE, M.H. Characterization of W-type hexaferrite thin films prepared by chemical solution deposition. Thin Solid Films. 2021, 726(MAY), 138670
LAGUTA, Valentyn, KEMPA, Martin, BOVTUN, Viktor, BURŠÍK, Josef, ZHAI, K., SUN, Y., KAMBA, Stanislav. Magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic Z-type hexaferrite revealed by electric-field-modulated magnetic resonance studies. Journal of Materials Science. 2020, 55(18), 7624-7633
NĚMEC, Hynek, KADLEC, Christelle, GOIAN, Veronica, BORODAVKA, Fedir, ŽELEZNÝ, Vladimír, KEMPA, Martin, KNÍŽEK, Karel, HEJTMÁNEK, Jiří, BURŠÍK, Josef, SOROKA, Miroslav. Metal-insulator transition in (Pr, Y)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 in the far-infrared spectral region. Physical Review B. 2020, 102(19), 195105
BURŠÍK, Josef, UHRECKÝ, Róbert, SOROKA, Miroslav, KUŽEL, R., PROKLEŠKA, J. The hexaferrite Sr3Co2Fe24O41 thin films by chemical solution deposition method: Synthesis and characterization. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019, 469(JAN), 245-252
KAMBA, Stanislav, BORODAVKA, Fedir, KADLEC, Filip, KADLEC, Christelle, CHAI, Y.S., ZHAI, K., BURŠÍK, Josef, VÍT, Jakub. Vibrational spectra of multiferroics with Y- and Z- type hexaferrite structures. Ferroelectrics. 2018, 532(1), 208-220
KNÍŽEK, Karel, PASHCHENKO, Mariia, LEVINSKÝ, Petr, KAMAN, Ondřej, HOUDKOVÁ, Jana, JIŘÍČEK, Petr, HEJTMÁNEK, Jiří, SOROKA, Miroslav, BURŠÍK, Josef. Spin Seebeck effect in ?-Fe2O3 thin films with high coercive field. Journal of Applied Physics. 2018, 124(21), 213904
UHRECKÝ, Róbert, BURŠÍK, Josef, SOROKA, Miroslav, KUŽEL, R., PROKLEŠKA, J. Use of magnetoplumbite and spinel ferrite seed layers for the growth of oriented Y ferrite thin films. Thin Solid Films. 2017, 622(JAN), 104-110
HIRSCHNER, Jan, MARYŠKO, Miroslav, HEJTMÁNEK, Jiří, UHRECKÝ, Róbert, SOROKA, Miroslav, BURŠÍK, Josef, ANADÓN, P., AGUIRRE, M.H., KNÍŽEK, Karel. Spin Seebeck effect in Y-type hexagonal ferrite thin films. Physical Review B. 2017, 96(6), 064428
ŠKODA, D., STÝSKALÍK, A., MORAVEC, Z., BEZDIČKA, Petr, BURŠÍK, Jiří, MUTIN, P. H., PINKAS, J. Mesoporous SnO2-SiO2 and Sn-silica-carbon nanocomposites by novel non-hydrolytic templated sol-gel synthesis. RSC Advances. 2016, 6(73), 68739-68747
BURŠÍK, Josef, SOROKA, Miroslav, UHRECKÝ, Róbert, KUŽEL, R., MIKA, Filip, HUBER, Š. Thin (111) oriented CoFe2O4 and Co3O4 films prepared by decomposition of layered cobaltates. Applied Surface Science. 2016, 376(JUL), 209-218
BURŠÍK, Josef, SOROKA, Miroslav, KNÍŽEK, Karel, HIRSCHNER, Jan, LEVINSKÝ, Petr, HEJTMÁNEK, Jiří. Oriented thin films of Na0.6CoO2 and Ca3Co4O9 deposited by spin-coating method on polycrystalline substrate. Thin Solid Films. 2016, 603(MAR), 400-403
BURŠÍK, Josef, UHRECKÝ, Róbert, KAŠČÁKOVÁ, Dorota, SLUŠNÁ, Michaela, DOPITA, M., KUŽEL, R. M-type ferrites as template layers for the growth of oriented Y-type ferrites through chemical solution deposition method. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2016, 36(13), 3173-3183
KADLEC, Filip, KADLEC, Christelle, VÍT, Jakub, BORODAVKA, Fedir, KEMPA, Martin, PROKLEŠKA, J., BURŠÍK, Josef, UHRECKÝ, Róbert, ROLS, S., CHAI, Y.S., ZHAI, K., SUN, Y., DRAHOKOUPIL, Jan, GOIAN, Veronica, KAMBA, Stanislav. Electromagnon in the Z-type hexaferrite (BaxSr1-x)3Co2Fe24O41 Physical Review. B. 2016, 94(2), 024419
BURŠÍK, Josef, UHRECKÝ, Róbert, KAŠČÁKOVÁ, Dorota, KUŽEL, R., HOLÝ, V., DOPITA, M. SrAl12O19 thin films by chemical solution deposition and their use as buffer layers for oriented growth of hexagonal ferrites. Thin Solid Films. 2016, 616(OCT), 228-237
BRÁZDA, Petr, PALATINUS, Lukáš, DRAHOKOUPIL, Jan, KNÍŽEK, Karel, BURŠÍK, Josef. Calcium-induced cation ordering and large resistivity decrease in Pr0.3CoO2 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2016, 96-97(Sep), 10-16
NĚMEC, Hynek, KNÍŽEK, Karel, JIRÁK, Zdeněk, HEJTMÁNEK, Jiří, SOROKA, Miroslav, BURŠÍK, Josef. Charge transport in thin layer NaxCoO2 (x similar to 0.63) studied by terahertz spectroscopy. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter. 2016, 28(35), 355601
MRÁZEK, Jan, SURÝNEK, Martin, BAKARDJIEVA, Snejana, BURŠÍK, Jiří, PROBOŠTOVÁ, Jana, KAŠÍK, Ivan. Luminescence properties of nanocrystalline europium titanate Eu2Ti2O7. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 645(October), 57-63
CARA, C., MUSINU, A., MAMELI, V., ARDU, A., NIŽŇANSKÝ, D., BURŠÍK, Josef, SCORCIAPINO, M. A., MANZO, G., CANNAS, C. Dialkylamide as Both Capping Agent and Surfactant in a Direct Solvothermal Synthesis of Magnetite and Titania Nanoparticles. Crystal Growth & Design. 2015, 15(5), 2364-2372
BURŠÍK, Josef, SOROKA, Miroslav, KUŽEL, R., MIKA, Filip. Growth and characterization of thin oriented Co3O4 (111) films obtained by decomposition of layered cobaltates NaxCoO2. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2015, 227(JUL), 17-24
KNÍŽEK, Karel, JIRÁK, Zdeněk, HEJTMÁNEK, Jiří, BRÁZDA, Petr, BURŠÍK, Josef, SOROKA, Miroslav, BERAN, Přemysl. Structural study of layered cobaltate Lax/3CoO2 (x ~ 1) at temperatures up to 800 K. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2015, 229(Sep), 160-163
"KNÍŽEK, Karel, NOVÁK, Pavel, JIRÁK, Zdeněk, HEJTMÁNEK, Jiří, MARYŠKO, Miroslav, BURŠÍK, Josef. Magnetism and transport properties of layered rare-earth cobaltates Ln0.3CoO2 Journal of Applied Physics. 2015, 117(17), 706-1-706-4
NOVÁK, Pavel, KNÍŽEK, Karel, JIRÁK, Zdeněk, BURŠÍK, Josef. The calculation of rare-earth levels in layered cobaltates Rx/3CoO2 (x?1). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2015, 381(May), 145-150
BRÁZDA, Petr, PALATINUS, Lukáš, KLEMENTOVÁ, Mariana, BURŠÍK, Josef, KNÍŽEK, Karel. Mapping of reciprocal space of La0.30CoO2 in 3D: analysis of superstructure diffractions and intergrowths with Co3O4 Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2015, 227(Jul), 30-34