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Department of Materials Chemistry

Department head:   Henych Jiří, Ing. Ph.D.


The research is focused on the design, preparation, and characterization of molecules and (nano)materials with unique properties that can be used in industrial, environmental, and medical applications. We delineate the properties of prepared materials in details using a wide range of modern and advanced techniques. University students are actively participating in the research. We also supervise a number of doctoral dissertations. The results of our scientific work are also used in application outputs.

Scientific topics

1. Light-responsive inorganic molecules and materials

The research is focused on the synthesis and characterization of new molecules, nanostructured materials, and luminescent (nano)materials and photosensitizers of singlet oxygen. The main emphasis is put on their stability, photostability, low toxicity, phototoxicity, biocompatibility with regard to their use as stable luminescent materials or in biology. In particular, we study the following systems:

  • Transition metal cluster complexes (K. Lang, K. Kirakci), e.g., Mo, W, Re and Cu as new biomaterials with photodynamic and radiosensitizing properties for photodynamic treatment and X-ray contrast materials.

  • Materials based on porphyrin molecules with organized structure (K. Lang, J. Demel) such as covalent organic networks and inorganic polymers. The main interest is to obtain stable structures with luminescent properties and the ability to produce singlet oxygen after excitation for photodynamic applications (e.g., antibacterial layers, photodynamic therapy, oxygen sensing).

2. New materials for a sustainable environment

Our research effort is focused on the development of new materials for environmental applications such as the purification of contaminated air, surface water and soil and the reduction of power consumption.

  • Metal nanooxides (J. Henych) combined with low-dimensional nanomaterials (e.g., graphene, quantum dots, nanodiamonds) in unique nanocomposites: we investigate their structures, interactions and properties, thanks to which they bind and decompose on their surfaces highly toxic substances including chemical warfare agents (e.g., Sarin, Soman, Yperit) and environmental pollutants (e.g., VOC, pesticides).

  • Porous coordination polymers (metal-organic frameworks, MOFs) (J. Demel) based on bisphosphinate ligands and trivalent metals such as Fe(III) or Al(III), which have a large pore size variability and can be carriers of different functional groups. In addition to tunable functionality, these materials exhibit increased aqueous stability and biocompatibility. They are mainly investigated for gas separation and sorption of environmental pollutants.

  • Multiferroic and thermoelectric materials (J. Buršík) based on Fe (III) oxides in the form of thin films and ceramics.


In cooperation with industrial partners, we focus on the development of construction materials and materials for environmental applications:

Inorganic systems for 3D printing technology (Z. Černý)

ZnO nanosols with self-cleaning properties for the treatment of repair of contaminated building surfaces with algae or mold (Z. Černý)

Nanoparticles for water treatment and stabilization (Z. Černý)

Powder materials for rapid deactivation of chemical warfare agents (J. Henych)

Combined materials for radiation shielding and secondary ionizing radiation shielding (Z. Černý)

Special concretes including inorganic materials based on original matrices for the nuclear industry.

Coating systems for new concrete remediation technologies in the nuclear industry.


Bauyrzhan Ismagulov, Mgr. 311236919[javascript protected email address]
Buršík Josef, Ing. CSc.311236917[javascript protected email address]
Buziková Michaela, Mgr. 311236925[javascript protected email address]
Bůžek Daniel, Ing. Ph.D.311236925[javascript protected email address]
Černý Zbyněk, Ing. CSc.311236954, 311236975[javascript protected email address]
Čundrle Jan, Ing. 311236918[javascript protected email address]
Demel Jan, RNDr. Ph.D.311236996[javascript protected email address]
Henych Jiří, Ing. Ph.D.311236921[javascript protected email address]
Hynek Jan, Mgr. Ph.D.311236995[javascript protected email address]
Jakubczyk Michal, Ph.D.[javascript protected email address]
Kirakci Kaplan, PhDr. 311236995[javascript protected email address]
Kloda Matouš, Mgr. Ph.D.311236995[javascript protected email address]
Lang Kamil, Ing. CSc., DSc.311236900[javascript protected email address]
Litecká Miroslava, Mgr. Ph.D.311236908[javascript protected email address]
Murafa Natalija, Ing. Ph.D311236909[javascript protected email address]
Němečková Zuzana, Ing. [javascript protected email address]
Ondrušová Soňa, Mgr. 311236996[javascript protected email address]
Plocek Jiří, RNDr. Ph.D.311236916[javascript protected email address]
Popelková Daniela, Ing. [javascript protected email address]
Popovičová Marie 311236918[javascript protected email address]
Prajakta Mohan Ramteke, MSc. 311236995[javascript protected email address]
Rosypal Pavlína 311236975[javascript protected email address]
Škoch Karel, RNDr. Ph.D.311236925[javascript protected email address]
Šťastný Martin, Ing. Ph.D.311236920[javascript protected email address]
Tolasz Jakub, Mgr. 311236918[javascript protected email address]
Udnoor Abhishek, MSc. [javascript protected email address]


New inorganic material for the nuclear industryCV ŘežČerný Zbyněk
Spin Seebeck effect in core-shell magnetic nanocompositesBuršík Josef
Preparation and characterization of cerium oxide for advanced applicationsUJEPHenych Jiří
Light - Responsive Nanofiber Materials and Nanoparticles for Inactivationof PathogensPřF UKKirakci Kaplan
Phosphinic acid based metal-organic frameworks for removal of emerging pollutants and heavy metalsÚACHDemel Jan
Inovative materials in the nuclear industryCentrum Výzkum ŘežČerný Zbyněk
Cluste-based nanoparticles for theranosticÚACHLang Kamil
Light-induced antibacterial and antiviral materials based on metal clustersÚACHKirakci Kaplan
Core-shell nanoparticles for targeted X-ray-induced photodynamic therapyÚACHLang Kamil
Green Ultrafiltration Water Cleaning TechnologiesÚACHHenych Jiří
Borenium cations (hetero)boraalkenes as sensors, small molecule activators and catalystsÚACHŠkoch Karel
Activated Borane as Lewis Acid Based CatalystÚACHDemel Jan
Optimization of proton conductivity in Zr-based metal-organic frameworKS by peripheral substitution of porphyrin ligandsÚACHHynek Jan
Relation between real structure of hexaferrite thin films and their magnetoelectric effectUK MFFBuršík Josef
Cationic Lewis (super)acids as an alternative to transition metal systemsÚACHŠkoch Karel


X-Ray powder diffractometer Bruker D2.

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 with TLD, ETD, CBS, LVD a STEM detectors.

Transmission/scanning electron microscope (S/TEM) FEI Talos F200X with EDS elemental detection and 3D mapping.

Atomic force microscope (AFM) Bruker Dimension Icon.

FTIR spectrometer Nicolet Nexus 670 with DTGS a MCT detectors and transmission, diffuse reflectance and ATR accessory. High-temperature reaction cell (Harrick) for in situ measurements.

UV/Vis spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 35 with an integration sphere.

Fluorescence spectrometers: Avantes Avaspec-ULS2048XL, Fluorolog 3 spectrometer equipped with a cooled TBX-05-C photon detection module (Horiba Jobin Yvon) or a Hamamatsu H10330-45 photomultiplier, Quantaurus QY C11347-1 spectrometer (Hamamatsu) for measuring of absolute photoluminescence quantum yields.

DLS Malvern Zetasizer Nano for particle size and Zeta potential measurements.

Dionex UltiMate 3000 HPLC system with an autosampler and DAD detection.

Gas chromatograph Agilent 6890N with quadrupole mass detector JEOL JMS-Q100GC.

High-power ultrasound systems (1 kW a 2kW) with sonotrodes and water-cooled high-pressure batch and continuous-flow reactors.

Belsorp max II instrument (Microtrac Bel) for the measuring nitrogen adsorption isotherms.