Contact person: Zbyněk Černý
Our long-term focus on research and development of inorganic matrices lead us to entirely new systems that can be used also in the 3D printing technology. The new systems are highly variable in their formulation, inflammable, non-toxic, stable under outdoor exposures, environment-friendly and reasonably priced, which is very important. The 3D printing technology employing these inorganic systems should allow for printing artificial stone, sandstone and marl, as well as ceramic, structural and lightweight materials in both natural and coloured finishes. The technology can make small high-precision qualified prints as well as robust originals or copies of sculptures, reliefs, art design products or technical prefabricates. In the future, this reasonably priced technology could e.g. replace originals of valuable sculptures and rare museum exhibits.
The systems are currently developed in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences in Bern (BUAS). The know-how of the preparation of the systems is held by ÚACH AVČR, v.v.i. and the know-how of their processing by means of 3D printing is held by BUAS. Industrial protection of the systems and their applications is considered as well. ÚACH and BUAS are currently seeking investors for the given technology and entities interested in collaborating on applications. The recent development concentrates mainly on printing forms for high-temperature applications in the foundry and glass industries.