The presentation "Application of X-ray diffraction in material analysis" will be introduced by Dr. Josef Kašlík from Palacký University of Olomouc, Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute, Czech Republic. The 39th NARECOM will take place on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 2:30. p.m. Join Zoom Meeting: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/95324812514 Abstract: X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a non-destructive powerful experimental […]
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Experimental and Computational 77Se NMR Spectroscopic Study on Selenaborane Cluster Compounds

The study investigates the correlation between calculated and measured 77Se NMR chemical shifts in various selenaborane cluster compounds, showing that low-level quantum chemical calculations can reliably predict these shifts. This predictive ability helps in understanding the molecular structure of selenaboranes and efficiently locating 77Se resonances in experimental data. The findings highlight how accurate prediction of […]
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IIC Science Café

We warmly invite you to the IIC Science Café seminar, which will be held on 10/10/2024 at 10 am at the IIC of the CAS in Řež. The presentation will have our guest Dr. Viktor O. Iaroshenko from University in Banska Bystrica. Detail are in the flyer below. We look forward to your participation!
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Záběry ze ZMJ 2024

Výbuchy, dílničky, zmrzlina, hudba, přátelé - o víkendu jsme s vámi mohli Zažít město jinak v Cukrovarnické na Praze 6. Děkujeme kolegům z Fyzikálního ústavu AV ČR za zázemí a spolupráci a těšíme se na další ročník!
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IIC Science Café

We warmly invite you to the IIC Science Café seminar, which will be held on 2/10/2024 at 2 pm at the IIC of the CAS in Řež. Dr. Donato, our new colleague, will speak about his previous research. The details are at the flyer below. We look forward to your participation!
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Zažít město jinak

Srdečně zveme v sobotu 21. 9. 2024 na festival Zažít město jinak do Cukrovarnické na Praze 6, kde ÚACh ani letos nebude chybět - chemická show Michaela Londesborougha, dílničky pro děti v obří molekule, koncerty, lekce jógy, sluneční dalekohled, přednáška Chemie lásky a mnoho dalšího. Těšíme se na Vás - Fyzikální ústav, Ústav anorganické chemie […]
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The presentation "Application of LC/MS system in the analysis of organic compounds" will be introduced by Dr. Stanislava Vrchovecká from Technical University of Liberec, Department of Environmental Chemistry. The 38th NARECOM will take place on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 2:30. p.m. Join Zoom Meeting: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/98311804462 Abstract: Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC/MS) is one of […]
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Catalytic dehalogenation with activated borane, a porous borane cluster polymer

Activated borane (ActB) is a metal- and halogen-free porous borane cluster polymer that effectively serves as a heterogeneous catalyst for hydrodehalogenation of aliphatic fluorides and chlorides, using triethylsilane as a reductant. It demonstrates high thermal stability, reusability, and significant Lewis acidity, making it capable of achieving full dehalogenation with high turnover numbers, even after multiple […]
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A Direct Route to closo-SBnCln Thiaboranes: Chalcogen Bonding in SB5Cl5 vs. SB11Cl11 Crystals

Polyhedral boron chemistry exhibits various heteroatom substitution and a series of  heteroboranes thus being afforded Furthermore, the introduction of halogens instead of terminal hydrogens  enables the synthesis of small perhalogenated heteroboranes, stabilized through π back-donation. In this research, SB5Cl5 and SB9Cl9 clusters were prepared by co-pyrolysis of B2Cl4 with S2Cl2 at 280 °C in a […]
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