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Photocatalytically active materials and composites

Contact person: Jan Šubrt, Snejana Bakardjieva

For many years we have been interested in research of two-dimensional titanium dioxide based materials that are widely used for their non-toxicity, chemical stability, high photocatalytic activity and low cost. Our research is focused on the optimization of environmentally friendly preparation of materials with desirable 2D nanosheets morphology and at the same time on the study of their properties using electron microscopy with EDS analysis or thermal analyzis coupled with mass spectrometer and their UV-induced photocatalytic activity in the liquid phase, especially for potential applications to remove organic pollutants contained in water.

Due to the increasing interest to prepare material suitable for the decomposition of pollutants by solar light, we also focused on doping of 2D-TiO2 nanosheets by different scale of metallic and non-metallic elements in order to shift their light absorption into the visible region. The 2D-TiO2 sheets form is also studied for their use in coatings to protect different types of wood and as UV-stabilizer of a new generation.

Another part of the research is devoted to the development and improvement of the properties of composite TiO2/SiO2 (Balclean) for self-cleaning and protective coatings or squeegees to top surface treatment of walls for protection against molds and algae. Especially the application of self-cleaning coatings on the exterior building shells is assumed, as well as the photocatalytic treatment of surfaces of various structures, e.g. bridges, noise barriers, guardrails, tunnels.

We are also participated in the development of a “floating photocatalyst”, that combines sorption and photocatalytic properties and can be used for water purification from low concentrations of stable aromatic pollutants such as bisphenols and dioxins.


Bakardjieva S., Mamon F., Pinc Z., Fajgar R., Jakubec I., Murafa N., Koci E., Brovdyova T., Lancok A., Michna S. and Nikolova R.: Surface Properties of 1DTiO2 Microrods Modified with Copper (Cu) and Nanocavities, Nanomaterials 324(11) (2021) 1-24, IF = 4.324.

Volfová L., Pližingrová E.*, Ecorchard P., Motlochová M., Klementová M., Janošíková P., Bezdička P., Kupčík J., Krýsa J., Lančok A.*, Šubrt J., Tailoring Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanosheets by 57Fe, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124 (2020), 6669−6682, IF = 4.309.

S. Bakardjieva*, R. Fajgar, I. Jakubec, E. Koci, A. Zhigunov, E. Chatzisymeon, K. Davididou, Photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A induced by dense nanocavities inside aligned 2D-TiO2 nanostructures, Catalysis Today, 328 (2019) 189-201. IF = 4.888, Q1

E. Plizingrova*, M. Klementova, P. Bezdicka, J. Bohacek, Z. Barbierikova, D. Dvoranova, M. Mazur, J. Krysa, J. Subrt, V. Brezova*, 2D-Titanium dioxide nanosheets modified with Nd, Ag and Au: Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity, Catalysis Today, 281 (2017) 165-180. IF=4.667, Q1

J. Subrt*, E. Plizingrova, M. Palkovska, J. Bohacek, M. Klementova, J. Kupcik, P. Bezdicka, H. Sovova, Titania aerogels with tailored nano and microstructure: comparison of lyophilization and supercritical drying, Pure and Applied Chemistry, 89 (2017) 501-509. IF=5.294, Q1



Undoped lyphilized (a) and annealed sample to 500 °C

SEM figure of lyophilized sample





ACOM results in the form of inversion map od Nd doped sample annaled to a) 500 °C, b) 600 °C and c) 800 °C


TEM/ED/EDS analysis of sample doped with Nd annaled at 800 °C