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Radionuclide sorbents

Contact person: Jan Šubrt, Petra Ecorchard

We developed a method for producing highly active absorbent based on hydrated titanium oxide in the form of needle aggregates of nano particles and designed its use in sorption of radionuclides from contaminated waters and their separation from aquatic environment. The sorption materials prepared in this way may be applied as highly effective sorbents of radionuclides from contaminated waters, from waste waters in nuclear power stations, as remedial technologies for disposal of environmental pollution, or directly in the process of eliminating environmental spillages. They may be also used as sorbents of heavy metals. We prepared a sorbent with optimised characteristics that is protected as a “Functional sample”.
Intellectual property is protected by a Czech patent, currently: CZ201600700-A3, “Sorbent based on nano particles of amorphous titanium oxide”. The collaborating institution is the Institute of Nuclear Research – ÚJV Řež, a.s. Further possibilities will depend on the degree of demand on the market.


TEM morphology of selected functional composite sample

Functional sample – composite nanosorbent based on hydrated titanium oxide and recycleble waste

One of the tested recyclable waste – polypropylen

SEM morphology of functional sample