In March 2024, Anne M. Andrews, professor of psychiatry, chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California in Los Angeles, will visit the Czech Republic. The main topic of prof. Andrews' research is the connection between serotonin level in the brain and anxiety, stress and depression. She has scheduled a series of lectures for both professional and lay audiences.
You are warmly invited e.g. to the lecture The Brain is Not a Computer during The Week of the Brain - a unique cycle of lectures on the newest discoveries and trends in brain research and neuroscience.
Presentations and seminars:
- 13. 3. 2024, 9 a. m., Národní 3, Prague 1, "The Brain in Not a Computer" (public lecture):
- 14. 3. 2024, 10 a. m., IOCB, Prague 6 (seminar for scientists)
- 15. 3. 2024, 1 p. m., IPE, Prague 8 (seminar for scientists):
Details of the whole cycle "The Week of the Brain":
More information about prof. Anne M. Andrews?
Here you can find a video-medallion of Anne M. Andrews, prepared by the American Chemical Society (ACS):
Or you can see her website: