6th NARECOM – NAnoEnviCz REsearch COmmunity Meeting

MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF METAL OXIDES will be discussed by experts from the Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem and USERS of LRI NanoEnviCz services on Wednesday, May 26 at 2:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/92603490035


Jakub Ederer, Pavel Janoš (UJEP): Fe3O4/CeO2 magnetically separable composite: preparation and selected applications

Ondřej Životský, Jiří Luňáček (Technical University of Ostrava): Magnetic and structural characteristics of CeO2 and Fe-oxide/CeO2 reactive sorbents

Ivo Šafařík (Biology Centre of CAS): Magnetically responsive nanozymes (From magnetic adsorbents to nanozymes)

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