Kamil Lang appointed director for another term

Kamil Lang was officially appointed by the President of the CAS to the position of Director of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry for the next term of office. On behalf of the whole Institute, we would like to congratulate him and wish him much strength and energy in his future work.



Ing. Kamil Lang, CSc., DSc. graduated from the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. As a postdoctoral fellow he worked in Spain at the University of Barcelona and in the USA at Cornell University and University of California Santa Cruz. In 1997 he joined the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, where he is currently beginning his second term as Director of the Institute. He is also a member of the Institute Council and Head of the Department of Materials Chemistry. His research has focused mainly on photophysics and photochemistry, the study of transition metal clusters, porous and layered materials and reactive oxygen species. He is the author of more than 160 publications and the investigator of a number of major research grants.

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