29th NARECOM 11/10/2023, 2:30 p.m.

The presentation "Plasma methods for thin films depositions and surface modifications" will be introduced by doc. Martin Kormunda from UJEP, Czech Republic.

The 29th NARECOM will take place on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 2:30. p.m.

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Plasma methods are key of many up to date manufacturing processes where the modern materials with unique properties are prepared.  Plasma discharges for the applications in material science and engineering are typically low pressure glow plasma processes, low pressure arc plasma processes and moreover also plasma processes at atmospheric pressures as it will be shown. Those approaches have pros and cons which will be discussed. The substrates for the plasma processes can be various materials and structures. For examples, the nano membranes can be plasma processed at low and atmospheric pressures to achieve surfaces modification as it will be shown on PVDF and PA6 examples.

The plasma methods will be demonstrated on the thin film deposition from solid targets and vapours. The advantages of atmospheric pressure plasma will be demonstrated on the surface cleaning and modifications of polymers (also nano membranes), glass and metal oxides.

Plasma processes and methods are highly usable methods for research, developments and manufacturing of the modern materials and systems.



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