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1D Materials / Ion Exchangers

Contact person: Monika Motlochová

The subject of study are 1D structures, titanium dioxide materials prepared from various titanyl sulfate (mono-, hihydrate of different morphology). The method used, based on crystalline titanyl sulfate as starting material, allows (i) complete preservation of the morphology of the titanyl sulfate in the products and (ii) preparation of products with specific chemical compositions. The mechanism of product formation was described in detail, including a proposed hitherto unknown structure of metatitanic acid.
In collaboration with the University of Pardubice, the materials were found to be non-toxic and suitable for use as inorganic ion exchangers.


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1) K. Fialova, M. Motlochova, L. Cermakova, K. Novotna, J. Bacova, T. Rousar, J. Subrt, M. Pivokonsky, Removal of manganese by adsorption onto newly synthesized TiO2-based adsorbent during drinking water treatment, Environmental Technology, (2021) 1-38.

2) M. Motlochová, L. Szatmáry, E. Plizingrová, P. Salacova, R. Fajgar, S. Lidin, J. Subrt, Highly efficient eco-friendly sodium titanate sorbents of Cs(I), Sr(II), Co(II) and Eu(III): synthesis, characterization and detailed adsorption study, Rsc Advances, 14 (2024) 743-754.